2015년 5월 7일 목요일


Mining Updates & More
Date: May 5th

You may have noticed our mining pool has not hit a block in a few weeks (since April 19th). There are a few reasons for this but mainly it's been DDOS attacks and connectivity issues that have been knocking us offline about 3-4 times per day. Ever since our pool hit the big board we've become a target and it's caused us to mine almost exclusively to other pools.

Anytime our pool is offline the power immediately points to our backup pools which are now being split between Antpool and Kano pool. By splitting power to these pools it allows us to stay very consistent with our daily mining earnings no matter what is happening with our own pool. In fact, sometimes on a day-to-day basis it's more profitable than our own mining.

Kano pool really appreciates it when our pool gets knocked offline because they get a huge boost as we become a majority of their hashing power. You can actually see a post on Bitcointalk.org forum where someone is thanking us for the power boost -- Click Here to see it 

Anyway, these past few weeks have really opened our eyes to some security holes and things we were not aware of. For this reason we made the decision to upgrade our pool software to a new software platform called CKpool. Kano pool also runs on this platform and we really like it a lot better than the MPOS system we are currently running.

So for the remainder of this week our pool will remain offline and we will re-launch with the new software once its fully tested. (we expect this to be live in about 3-5 days)

With CKpool we will have better security and DDOS protection, better stats, reports and functionality, and top notch support. In fact, we recognize how important support for miners is when running a pool so we hired a team that will provide LIVE 24/7 support and monitoring to all miners who need it.

We have also been working behind the scenes to offer some amazing incentives that no other pool is currently offering. Some of these things include direct mining to a debit card, zero fees, and prizes for mining with us. Bottom line... with this upgrade we believe we can attract some heavy weight miners and grow our pool much faster.

Here is a sneak peek of the new pool site we are launching... Click Here

A Few More Updates... 

1. Marketing System

We are finally launching our Lead System (the marketing system we have been talking about for months) at the end of this week. For one reason or another this piece kept getting pushed back over and over again and we apologize for that, but we are excited to get it up so you can start using it. 

2. ClubCoin

Most of our development lately has been focused on rolling out this new coin. In only a few weeks we are about half way sold out of the 15 million coins and will continue to giveaway 45 million to all members who are purchasing new mining shares. 

You will notice the total balance now showing at the top of the page. We have some big plans for ClubCoin, but right now please understeand this is only a pre-pre phase for ClubCoin as we give it away and develop it.

3. Debit Card - First Time Announced! 

We have found a solution to offer all BitClub members a new Debit Card and Wallet platform that can be loaded instantly with Bitcoin. This deal is a little early to announce full details but this solution will be unlike anything in the market place. Sorry for the teaser but more details available soon. 

Thanks for being a BitClub Member!
-BCN Support Team

PS... One of the most requested things from all members is to make more updates like these. Sometimes we work so hard that we forget to come up for air and let you know what is happening. We have listened and we are now going to post a minimum of two updates per week no matter what is happening so you always know what we are working on. Here's to a great month! 
